Tuesday, April 25, 2006

graffiti session

I was completly busy this last 3 weeks but now im back, i ll try to continue more often with this blog.
Last Sunday morning we went with zap51 and Bego to make some stuff in Karlin area in Praha, we had really great time there and this empty building is quiet good space were to do this. Here some photos of what i did, actually was my first time but zap51 he is doing this for 10 years, so he was like our guide.
i will post more stuff next of sessions.

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kcirbuk said...

Cachondo Grafitti!!

Saludos de Paco K.

Pablo E. Soto said...

paco, a mi me molan mucho las cosas que tu haces. esos trazos negros tan sueltos dan mucha envidia. y tambien las composiciones estan muy guapas.
otro saludo desde aqui, que en praga hoy llueve mucho asi que es una buena ocasion para surfear por los miles de blogs.